Explore our extensive FAQ section for a range of common questions, helping you solve issues and get back on track in no time.
Navigate to lobon.ca/help or use the Help section in the app for a wealth of resources and information on a wide range of topics, specifically tailored to meet the needs of all users. Browse through the categorized help pages or search for keywords to quickly find the answers you need.
Reach our support team 24/7 via phone.
Access our round-the-clock support team directly through the Lobon app by selecting "Call Support" in the Help section, or by calling 613-616-1084.
For riders outside Canada, simply navigate to the in-app help menu to connect with our support team, ensuring that you receive assistance whenever and wherever you need it.
From app guidance to issue resolution, Lobon offers a range of support options to cater to your every need. With 24/7 phone support, comprehensive website guides, and in-app assistance, our team is always on hand to provide the support you deserve.
We use your location to customize the information you see.
Enjoy peace of mind with Lobon's comprehensive support features. No matter the situation, Lobon offers user-friendly assistance options, ensuring that you receive the support you need to address any issues promptly and efficiently.